Eight-way hat switchRapid-fire triggerComfortable hand gripProgrammable buttons: 12Precision engineered twist rudder controlLogitech Extreme 3D Pro Precision Fightstick I..
Features 2.4 GHz wireless connectivityBroad game support. Exclusive 4-switch D-padProfiler softwareDual vibration motorsFamiliar layout
Logitech Gamepad F710 Its easy to be passionate about winning, but at Logitech, our passion is in the ..
50 mm audio drivers – Enjoy a more immersive, cinematic gaming
experience thanks to the detailed sound produced by large 50 mm driversDTS Headphone: X 2.0 – Surround sound* that goes beyond 7.1 channels
lets you detect enemies from all sides, giving you a positional clarity
that can make..